Personal Views/Charts/Dashboards Transfer Tool


Plugin for XrmToolbox that allows to transfer Personal Views, Personal Charts and Personal Dashboards between environments including charings

Latest version release notes

Issues with versions fixed.
Bug with data load is fixed.


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating 4/14/2022 2:49:06 PM 22883 3.00 7/15/2019 7:14:05 PM 30204 3.00 1/14/2019 9:51:32 PM 10125 5.00 1/14/2019 6:53:43 PM 0 0.00 12/14/2018 11:43:09 AM 2284 0.00
Show more versions (1 more)


Latest version

Jeff Daniel ()
This tool is broken and doesn't do anything. Users have filed an issue already and appears its never been resolved. Appears this app just doesn't get updated anymore. Please take down from the Library Store if this is the case. Edit: This is probable easier to respond to on github, there already a few threads on it as well as the thread i replied to ( i can open a fresh issue though if needed). The way XrmToolBox handles Author rating replies needs to be fixed as this isn't the ideal place to talk about bugs.
Tool author answer ()
Hello Jeff, thanks for the feedback. I rechecked the tool and it works fine for me. Can you please provide a bit more details so I can reproduce the issue and fix it?
karun kumar ()
The best tool I have used to migrate personal views you can see views and dashboards based on users.

Other versions

Aymeric Mouillé () - version
This tool saved my life during a migration review! Very simple and well designed. Many thanks !
Fernando Ferreira () - version

Related information

Author: Andrew Butenko Latest version: Released on: 04/14/2022 Nuget package Id: AB.PersonalViewsChartsDBTransferTool Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 4Average rating 6Number of ratings Downloads 22883Latest version 66262All versions 11043.67Average per version Tags Security Data Customizations Migration