Access Security Roles


Access Security Roles for multiple roles/entities and produce architecture Security Model artifacts/documents in Microsoft Dynamics 365

Latest version release notes

Access Security Roles for multiple roles/entities and produce architecture Security Model artifacts/documents in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Select multiple roles and entities to produce report of respective security privileges. Export privileges to Excel to generate a Security Model document using standard or compact labels. Sort privileges in data grid by selected column. Use filter to search on columns to see subset of privileges and export viewable result to Excel.
1.2020.9.10: Initial release
1.2020.9.11: Updated release notes
1.2020.9.12: Updated dependency, added export formats
1.2020.9.15: Fixed minor issue exporting to Excel
1.2020.10.1: Added multitab export by Roles


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2020.10.1 10/29/2020 11:16:08 PM 54922 4.00
1.2020.9.15 10/9/2020 4:17:58 PM 1890 0.00
1.2020.9.12 10/9/2020 1:50:46 PM 554 0.00
1.2020.9.11 9/25/2020 12:39:26 PM 1369 0.00
1.2020.9.10 9/24/2020 4:56:39 PM 567 0.00


Latest version

Jessica Brickley ()
Great tool, very straightforward to use and makes it much easier to review security roles. It would be even better if you could add the ability to exclude any entities where none of the selected security roles have permissions. We have a large number of entities on our environments which makes the export time very long, and if we're comparing two roles we don't need to know about the entities which neither roles have any access to.
R M ()
Julien Lalmand ()
Please ensure the tool allows you to search for an entity and security role. Scrolling through thousands of items is absolutely not user-friendly.
Tool author answer ()
Thank you for your feedback, I will update the tool to have a searchable box for entities and roles.
Moiz Jamil - CA ()
How to download it?
Linn Zaw Win ()
A great tool to export the privileges of the security roles to excel. The list of entities can be filtered by the solution and the excel can be formatted as single tab or multiple tabs by entity/role. For some reasons, the list of Users and Teams is not populated for the selected Business Unit + Security Role in the current version 1.2020.10.1.
Stéphane Laplante ()

Other versions

No feedback.

Related information

Author: Roman Zinguer Latest version: 1.2020.10.1 Released on: 10/30/2020 Nuget package Id: AccessSecurityRoles Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 4Average rating 6Number of ratings Downloads 54922Latest version 59302All versions 11860.40Average per version Tags Security Documentation