Albanian Early Bound


Generates Early Bound Entities. Uses CrmSvcUtil from the SDK which can be downloaded from any NuGet source (even local directory for isolated environments).

Latest version release notes

- Removed Nuget assemblies dependencies.
- Added option to download a specific version of Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreTools for compatibility reasons. Version introduced breaking changes! Please use version
- Fixed some breaking changes introduced from version of Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreTools

For older releases go here:


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2023.11.1 11/11/2023 8:04:24 PM 4321 0.00
1.2022.3.1 3/14/2022 7:01:26 PM 11083 0.00
1.2021.9.3 9/19/2021 7:49:02 PM 8147 0.00
1.2021.8.1 8/30/2021 4:36:50 PM 1199 0.00
1.2021.6.7 6/3/2021 4:56:58 AM 2130 0.00
Show more versions (19 more)


Latest version

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Other versions

Linn Zaw Win () - version 1.2021.1.1
Alternative early bound generator using tree nodes with checkboxes to select the whitelisted entity and filter on a more granular level to only include certain attributes/relationships in order to minimise the assembly size. You can also generate the file via command-line outside of the XrmToolBox after generating a model once and copy the command.
Eni Elezi () - version 1.2019.8.3
Nice and simple tool. Easy to select specific set rather than having all entity attributes and relationships. This makes the early binding file smaller and compact. Look forward to having an option for generating OptionsSets as enums. Thanks (faleminderit)

Related information

Author: Betim Beja Latest version: 1.2023.11.1 Released on: 11/11/2023 Nuget package Id: AlbanianXrm.EarlyBound Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 4Average rating 4Number of ratings Downloads 4321Latest version 59520All versions 2480.00Average per version Tags Development