Data Transporter


XrmToolbox plugin to help you transfer entity records between different environments.

Latest version release notes

- Updated with latest XrmToolBox assembly

- Added FetchXML support for Filters (LinnZawWin)
- Pass property FetchXml to FXB for empty and filter XML (LinnZawWin)

- Save logicalname in settingsfile

- Save logicalname in settingsfile
- Implemented "Playlist" to execute multiple settings in one run

- Only save mapping-settings per organisation
- Ability to save/load entity-specific settings (selected attributes/filter)
- Only display attributes with DisplayName

- Fixed mapping Dialog issue
- Fixed user auto-mappings
- Compatible with latest version of XrmToolbox

- reference XrmToolBoxPackage as a dependency to check compatibility
- auto-mapping of systemusers
- fixed poor editing performance with long filter expression

- bugfix: error when no state/status was selected

- Add IPaypalPlugin and donate button

- fixed wrong dll version

- Compatible with XrmToolbox 1.2018.3.21

- Support for state and status reason (maeg02)
- Data Preview option
- XrmToolbox approval fixes

- Bugfix transferring null values
- preview button
- auto-mapping root business unit and default currency

- Fix for TypeLoadException in new version of XrmToolBox

- Support for N:N relationships

- Support for ActivityParty Mapping (seang96)
- Added search filter on entities

- Bugfix in mapping ids

- Show uncustomizable entities
- Implemented SettingsManager

- Extra check to exclude not selected attributes
- Load entities on load

- Bugfix: missing paging-cookie when retrieving more than 5000 records
- Save mappings/filters to configuration file per organisation
- Save (un)checked attributes in configuration file per entity per organisation
- Excluded attributes with ValidForRead=='False'

- Highlight attribute when ValidForCreate/ValidForUpdate property is set

- Excluded state and status fields from transfer
- Added filter
- Added EntityReference mapping possibility

- Improved display/status information


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2023.7.1 7/5/2023 6:53:07 AM 35718 4.00
1.2023.6.1 6/14/2023 5:28:18 AM 4555 0.00
1.2021.2.15080 2/25/2021 7:27:03 AM 51634 4.50
1.2020.2.28460 2/3/2020 2:50:40 PM 17913 5.00
1.2020.2.18601 1/29/2020 9:33:53 AM 1806 0.00
Show more versions (16 more)


Latest version

Gerard Yurko ()
It would be nice to have the ability to copy the Information in the "List of Errors" popup that displays records that fail to Import. It would also be very helpful to include the Unique Id in the list of Errors Because I can't do that, I need to create SQL Queries between the two Environments to get a list of the Items that failed to migrate.

Other versions

hay hayhonhp () - version 1.2021.2.15080
quangtung pham () - version 1.2021.2.15080
hoang hieuqn () - version 1.2021.2.15080
susmitha soman () - version 1.2021.2.15080
Dave H () - version 1.2021.2.15080
Simply doesn't work. I tried to export/import a few rows but it just sits there saying Transferring but no records are transferred. After waiting 40 minutes, I finally closed it. I can manually create the same records in a lot less time.
Muhammed Çalık () - version 1.2021.2.15080
Jeferson Campos () - version 1.2021.2.15080
Anubhav Bajpai () - version 1.2021.2.15080
After the Microsoft's depreciation of old way of connecting, In Data Transporter tool, while previewing the data or for transfer, the target connection was getting replaced by the source connection if the target connection was created using the Connection Wizard of XRM Toolbox. Steps to be performed: 1. Delete the target connection that was created by Connection Wizard of XRM Toolbox 2. Create the target connection using Microsoft Login Control option. 3. Now go ahead use the target connection within the Data Transporter tool. I hope this helps other users using this tool. This tool has been fantastic, Keep it up guys.
Tyler Commo () - version 1.2020.2.28460
This tool has saved many many many projects and sprint stories. Thank you!
Tanguy TOUZARD () - version 1.2020.2.28460
Super useful to move configuration data in one step
Ralph West () - version 1.2018.8.1
Data Transporter, vastly simplified my migration process, while also saving me hours of work.
Дамир Батталов () - version 1.2018.8.1
Dnanidref nov Grebsiag () - version 1.2018.8.1
Nice tool but I do have an error like: Sql error: "Incorrect syntax near th keyword "order" while using a fetch to filter the records I do want to transport
g g () - version 1.2018.8.1
Great Tool!
Eni Elezi () - version 1.2018.8.1
This is a good tool. It would be great it it could do multiple entities and also to have another button where you can save the selection of entity and attributes selected for export, so its easier to use it next time
Romeu Santiago Junior () - version 1.2018.8.1
Meghan Reed () - version 1.2018.4.1
Love this tool! Makes moving data from any environment very straightforward. Used for Dev to Production especially for records we are using workflows or business rules on -just to make things easier.
Peter Bohn () - version 1.2018.3.4
fantastic work. thx for this. extremely timesaving!
Sigi Feucht () - version 1.2017.4.2
The amount of time I have saved using this tool is unbelievable - transporting data has never been easier! Amazing tool, thumbs up for the creator!

Related information

Author: Bram Colpaert Latest version: 1.2023.7.1 Released on: 07/05/2023 Nuget package Id: Colso.Xrm.DataTransporter Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 20Number of ratings Downloads 35718Latest version 369803All versions 17609.67Average per version Tags Data Migration