This plugin is used for querying the security roles related to a specific entity in Dynamic CRM
Latest version release notes
Update few UI Update export by rate Fix cannot update from version <1.1.4 If you cannot update => Follow steps: - Go to C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MscrmTools\XrmToolBox\Plugins - Delete EntitySecurityPluginMerged.dll or Entity Security Plugin.dll - Restart XrmToolBox and install the tool again. Sorry for this inconvenience, I have trouble with packaging the tool.
Incredible tool. This is exactly what I was looking for. It shows you all the Security Roles that interact with a specific Entity and the permissions of the roles per entity.
Khanh Nguyen () - version 1.1.4
good tool
Beyro Mathis () - version 1.1.4
Linn Zaw Win () - version 1.1.0
The tool is simple and the UI of the privilege table is the familiar UI which is similar to the OOB security role form. The Export functionality is now working in version 1.1 and the project became open-source too. 🤩
Chinh Pham () - version 1.0.5
This tool is amazing. It helps me a lot in daily work
Aina C. () - version 1.0.5
This is very helpful. Thank you! :)
JD Yumul () - version 1.0.5
Easy to navigate and very user friendly. Thank you for creating such a useful tool!
Beta Wicaksono () - version 1.0.5
I can easily manage the role, very helpful. Thank you!
Enceil . () - version 1.0.5
cool, really helpful
Related information
Author: thanh.pham-ngocLatest version: 1.1.6Released on: 04/05/2023Nuget package Id: Entity_Security_PluginOpen Source: trueGo to project web site Ratings (all versions)5Average rating11Number of ratings Downloads8894Latest version29585All versions1740.29Average per version Tags