Canvas App Code Reuse


Easily reuse canvas app code!

Latest version release notes

No release notes for this release


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
0.5.1 7/15/2020 11:42:00 AM 48955 2.00
0.5.0 7/6/2020 12:43:07 PM 495 0.00
0.4.0 7/6/2020 4:26:24 AM 531 0.00


Latest version

Piotr Rusak ()
Latest version has issues with NuGet and DLL versioning (that's why it will never update in XrmToolBox) DLL still has version where NuGet package has version 0.5.1 - this prevents upgrades and causes many issues with XrmToolBox Please upgrade DLL version to be equal to NuGet package version or remove this plugin from XrmToolbox repository
W.D. K. ()
This tool will never Update, although it doesn't throw an error. It just shows up every single time as having an update.
Boyd Campbell ()
This add in throws unrecoverable exceptions upon XrmToolBox startup, and has been doing so for a long time. Multiple machines, multiple versions, etc. The assembly must be deleted before XrmToolBox will even startup. Doesn't make sense this is even still in the list in its current state.
Linn Zaw Win ()
A nice tool to replace the formula of Power Apps canvas app by injecting it between the specified comment tags. Really useful especially when the same code is used in multiple places of the app.
James Studer ()
Please check versioning on your plugin. Says that is installed and the latest is 0.5.1. I have tried multiple times and it never removes from the list of plugins that need to be upgraded. I have seen this and experienced with my own connector. There is a mismatch between versions in the connector, nuget and app assembly.

Other versions

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Related information

Author: Alex Shlega Latest version: 0.5.1 Released on: 07/15/2020 Nuget package Id: ItAintBoring.XrmToolBox.CanvasAppCodeReuse Open Source: false Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 2Average rating 5Number of ratings Downloads 48955Latest version 49981All versions 16660.33Average per version Tags Development