Attributes Factory


Create or Update attributes from an Excel template

Latest version release notes

Fixed issue when exporting metadata for older version of Dynamics CRM
Replaced Table creation dialog with a user control to avoid blocking XrmToolBox UI during long running operation
Changed order of table creation to create all tables, then add them in solution and application


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2023.10.34 11/3/2023 1:27:06 PM 12634 5.00
1.2023.2.33 2/17/2023 11:15:13 AM 7751 5.00
1.2023.2.32 2/10/2023 8:44:04 PM 1855 0.00
1.2023.2.31 2/10/2023 4:22:42 PM 343 0.00
1.2023.2.30 2/10/2023 2:32:25 PM 347 0.00
Show more versions (27 more)


Latest version

Patrick Wright ()
Another successful use case for a project! This tool saves so much data entry and button clicking.
Tool author answer ()
Thank you for this incredible feedback! I'm using this tool on all projects too

Other versions

Matthias Schley () - version 1.2022.6.15
still some bugs with Lookup-columns. But great tool in general
Tool author answer ()
Hi Matthias, Do not hesitate to fill a bug or suggestion on github to improve the tools : I must admit I never had issues with Lookup but this is my tool so maybe there is some non obvious cells to fill correctly.
Adhish "Raj" Gupta () - version 1.2023.2.33
Very useful! Makes it very efficient to create/update attributes.
Ben Walker () - version 1.2023.2.33
Thanks so much for this tool - might not use it all the time, but when I do need it it's so useful. Had to create 120 new attributes today - saved myself hours of work by using this tool!
Arne Rustad () - version 1.2023.1.27
Excellent tool and in combination with Attribute Manager, my most most used tool when developing Power Apps. Very easy to use the Excel template to specify new columns and with a macro that is helpful in limiting typing mistakes and other small errors. Additionally, I would like to praise the author for very quick response and implementation of a feature request for inclusion of the new formula column type.
Veljko Vidovic () - version 1.2021.9.9
Linn Zaw Win () - version 1.2020.12.7
One of the best tool to create and update columns by uploading an Excel template with advanced column properties.
Alex McLachlan () - version 1.2020.6.4
Excellent tool, with up-to-date attribute types - thanks!

Related information

Author: Javista Latest version: 1.2023.10.34 Released on: 11/03/2023 Nuget package Id: Javista.AttributesFactory Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 8Number of ratings Downloads 12634Latest version 128580All versions 4018.13Average per version Tags Customizations