A XrmToolBox tool to create Visio diagrams from Dataverse Tables
Latest version release notes
Added Min Version of 1.02023.10.67 for this version of XrmToolBox Modified to use the new XrmToolBox version
#23 Added columns/pk/fk in for VSDX #34 Added multiple connection points #35 Added Containers
#33 Added option to hide parent tables (thanks Dani) #32 Fixed issue where the hide/display options were not actually taken up #20 First draft of VSDX file format
#28 Modified load of tables when using solutions Thank @AndyTait35 Hidden tables that are actually many to many relationships Changes to Tables and Columns throughout
#24 - Fixed issue with 1:M, M:1 and M:M creation (Thanks @popemot)
#23 - New Grid for columns so you can put them into your visio (😁 THANKS MCJ) #22 - Allow you to open the Visio file straight away (🙄 THANKS MCJ) #21 - Removed File field into selection when Create Visio option used. (🤬 THANKS MCJ) Additional Sort for Columns Changed all lists to grids to allow correct display
#18 - Fixed bug with many to many with duplicate FK keys #17 - Fixed bug with Hide Activity not actually hiding activities #16 - Fixed bug with re-running visio export caused error #14 - Hopefully fixed bug when creating a big erd (Thanks Susan) 🤞
Added icons and paypal config #14 - Fixed bug which didnt load settings if a new install
#13 - Added option to display Entities and fields with display name rather than logical #12 - Added ability to export / import settings #9 - Added option to hide activities. Multiple settings now available
#7 Added Save Settings (thanks DiggaTheWolf) #8 Added prompt to override file (Thanks DiggaTheWolf)
Author: LinkeD365Latest version: 1.2024.2.2Released on: 02/18/2024Nuget package Id: LinkeD365.ERDVisioBuilderOpen Source: trueGo to project web site Ratings (all versions)5Average rating1Number of ratings Downloads8587Latest version66146All versions3890.94Average per version TagsDocumentation