Bulk Address Verification and Geocoding


The tool allows users to pick any table (custom or OOB) and its address fields to be processed.
- The address fields must be text fields except for latitude and longitude which must be decimal numbers.
- Users must select the fields to read from and to write to after Bing Maps returns a medium or high confidence result.
- You must build views to include the list of records that you want to run through validation.

Latest version release notes

!Updated Bulk Address Validation for Dataverse!
Works with Bing Maps, and only updates addresses when confidence level is medium or high.


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
2.0.16 4/4/2023 4:21:04 PM 5234 5.00


Latest version

Andrew Bowen ()
Works like a charm. Provides useful information about the result of the validation. My only criticism is the "details" field selection. For some reason I thought it was asking me where I provided details about the record, but that's where it RETURNS details about the validation. It overwrote some of my data so I had to re-import. I would suggest making it more clear what that field does so users don't run into the same issue I did. Works great!

Other versions

No feedback.

Related information

Author: Sharp XRM Latest version: 2.0.16 Released on: 04/04/2023 Nuget package Id: SharpXrm.XrmToolbox.BulkAddressValidation Open Source: false Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 1Number of ratings Downloads 5234Latest version 5234All versions 5234.00Average per version Tags Data